Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Spring 2018

T 10 ARCHBOLD MEDICAL CENTER HERE ARE MANY THINGS that go into having a successful sports season. From practices and video sessions to mentally and physically preparing your body for the next game, it takes a village to make sure a team is ready. Coming off one of their most successful seasons in years, Thomasville High School’s (THS) football and basketball teams are still reeling in A key player in the Year of the Dog the accolades. And THS coaches and teammates agree that their stellar performance this year was aided by support systems off the football field and basketball courts. One of those key support systems was Archbold Outpatient Rehabilitation. Archbold’s Outpatient Rehab is the sole provider of rehabilitation and sports medicine services for THS. Archbold’s comprehensive Sports Medicine Program provides a full-time athletic trainer, Taylor Miller, as well as a graduate assistant from Thomas University. They assist all of THS’ teams with on-the-field injury treatment, facilitate care coordination with local physicians and coordinate diagnostic testing as needed. Post-injury treatment and rehabilitation is a team approach from the Archbold athletic trainers and rehab staff. “Our on-field success requires a ton of work behind the scenes, and we are only as good as the product we are able to provide on a given Friday night,” said Zach Grage, THS head foot- ball coach. “The fact that we are able to provide rehab to our players, both at the Archbold Outpatient Rehab facility as well as in our own training room, is what allows our players to get back on the field as soon as possible.” When Thomasville’s quarterback, JT Rice, OUTPATIENT REHABAND SPORTSMEDICINE Archbold Archbold athletic trainer Taylor Miller (right) shows JT Rice how to stretch his ankle to help it fully recover.