Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Spring 2018

Knowledge is power ARCHBOLD.ORG • SPRING 2018 5 Body: breaking out in a cold sweat; fatigue or weakness Shoulders or arms: pain or discomfort in one or both Lungs: shortness of breath; coughing Chest: pain or discomfort LEARN TO SPOT SYMP TOMS OF A HEART AT TACK You could have one or more of these: Stomach: pain or discomfort; nausea; vomiting Back: pain or discomfort Neck or jaw: pain or discomfort Head: dizziness; light- headedness noticed the pain wasn’t going away.” As soon as he arrived at Archbold, the staff got him situated quickly and comfortably. Bob Miles, MD, one of Archbold’s cardiologists, immediately met with Cone and decided on a course of treatment. “Dr. Miles told me the best way to know if the pain was coming from a blocked artery or from my heart was to do a cardiac catheterization,” said Cone. “I agreed, and we were able to set it up with Archbold interventional cardiologist Clay Sizemore, MD.” World-class care at home Cone was taken back to Archbold’s catheterization laboratory (cath lab), a procedure room with advanced diagnos- tic imaging equipment used to visualize the arteries and chambers of the heart and to treat abnormalities. Dr. Miles and Dr. Sizemore inserted a catheter into Cone’s wrist, and they found a 70 percent blockage in his artery. Dr. Sizemore then placed a stent in Cone’s artery to restore blood flow to his heart. “I was blown away by the care I received at Archbold,” said Cone. “The best part of all is that I had access to this level of care in my hometown, and I was able to go home the same day. “The Thomasville community and surroundings areas are lucky to have access to Archbold’s Loudermilk Heart and Vascular Center,” said Cone. “We don’t have to travel to big cities to receive advanced treatment; we have world-class healthcare in our backyard.” David Cone experienced a less typical symptom of heart attack and came to Archbold to have it checked out, which saved his life. Sources: American Heart Association; National Institutes of Health Call 911 if you’re having symptoms of a heart attack. “I was blown away by the care I received at Archbold.” —David Cone