Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Spring 2018

8 ARCHBOLD MEDICAL CENTER HEART ATTACKS can happen at any time and at any place. Scott Foister was helping his wife in their church’s nursery when he had a heart attack. “He was helping me change one of our grand- children’s diapers when it happened,” said Kim Foister, Scott’s wife. “He was standing behind me, and I heard him groan and fall down. He was not breathing and did not have a pulse.” Thankfully, there were two paramedics, two EMTs and three nurses at the church to help Scott until an ambulance arrived. “I didn’t really have any symptoms of a heart attack the day of, but I did have indigestion and jaw pain in the days leading up to it,” said Scott. Once Scott arrived at the hospital, he immedi- ately went to Archbold’s catheterization labora- tory, where Christopher Daniels, MD, performed a heart catheterization/intervention. “I don’t remember anything from that day,” said Scott. “It didn’t hit me that I had had a heart attack until a few days later.” “He was in such a confused state that he didn’t understand what was happening or why he was having a heart catheterization/intervention performed,” said Kim. He had two stents put in the same artery on Sunday, and he left the hospital the following Thursday with a portable defibrillator. “His heart was only functioning at 34 percent when he left, and Dr. Daniels told us it would ARCHBOLD OFFERS LIFESAVING CARE WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST We save hearts— and lives