Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Fall 2019
12 ARCHBOLD MEDICAL CENTER and loud THE LEE SILVERMAN VOICE TREATMENT (LSVT) is a behavioral treatment geared toward creating neuro- biological changes associated with ther- apy for people with Parkinson’s disease. Archbold Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Management offer both LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG treatments to patients with Parkinson’s or other neuro- logical diseases. Improving speech LSVT LOUD treatment is for patients who are starting to experience or already are ex- periencing problems with their speech. “Problems with speech tend to occur in the early stages of Parkinson’s,” said Angela Felts, speech-language pathologist at Archbold Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Management. “The most common speech problems include soft voice, mumbled speech, monotone speech and hoarse voice.” The most effective way to improve speech is through speech therapy. LSVT LOUD engages people by specif- ically addressing the needs and inter- ests of the patient. It engages patients through intensive work and helps them establish a lifelong habit of improved communication. The LSVT LOUD technique aims to increase vocal loudness and improve articulation, intonation and confidence. “LSVT LOUD treatment consists of 16 sessions,” said Felts. “These take place four consecutive days a week for four weeks. It involves one-hour individual SPECIALIZED THERAPY FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND OTHER NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS sessions with daily practice for home and carryover exercises.” Improving movement Unlike LSVT LOUD, LSVT BIG trains pa- tients to use their bodies more normally. This individualized therapeutic approach helps patients recalibrate their move- ments to produce bigger motions. “LSVT BIG focuses on helping patients with their balance, getting up and down, dressing, and other job-related tasks,” said Ike Kent, PT, physical therapist at Archbold Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Management. “We aim to improve walking with bigger steps, balance and increasing flexibility in the lower back.” Studies have shown that LSVT BIG can help people in the early to middle stages of Parkinson’s disease, but clinical experience indicated that the treatment can also help people with later-stage Parkinson’s, atypical Parkinsonisms or movement challenges from other neuro- logical conditions. While outcomes may vary, clinicians generally report that LSVT BIG can provide benefit to patients in terms of higher-quality and safer movements; reduced secondary complications, such as falls; better maintained range of motion and strength; and improved overall quality of life. This program is structured the same way as LSVT LOUD, with four one-hour sessions per week for four straight weeks with homework and exercises all designed to increase the amplitude and the size of specific movements. Proven track record The LSVT programs have been devel- oped and scientifically researched over the past 20 years with funding from the National Institutes of Health. Archbold Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Management is the only outpatient reha- bilitation center in Thomasville, Georgia, that offers both LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG services. Regain control of your life. Call 229.228.8050 to schedule an evaluation. Angela Felts Speech-language pathologist Ike Kent Physical therapist
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