Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Fall 2019

Taylor Brittain Follow the participants on their journey at . ARCHBOLD.ORG • FALL 2019 9 and health history questionnaire, and they received health screenings, including height, weight and body measurements; a lipid panel; a blood glucose test; and a blood pressure check. The Live Better partner gyms have commit- ted to providing fitness mentorship to LB Fit participants. The gyms are required to pro- vide a supportive atmosphere, complete with accountability, encouragement and education on exercise and fitness. Live Better partner Morrison Healthcare has provided a dietitian for the program. The dietitian has created nutrition plans tailored to each individual to help them meet their weight- loss and nutrition goals. The dietitian will also meet with each participant once a month for measurement and nutrition check-ins. Throughout the program, LB Fit participants will receive wellness education and support through e-newsletters and a private online support group. Now, let’s meet the participants! ANNE MARIE DIXON Age 22 Gym: Factor X Fitness “I decided to participate in Live Better Fit because it seems like it is going to be a life-changing fitness expe- rience,” said Anne Marie. “I’ve tried more weight-loss programs than I can count, and nothing seems to work. I believe the LB Fit program, with its mix of gym guidance and nutrition help, will help me not only reach my weight- loss goals, but also create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.” DEBBIE CAMPBELL Age 54 Gym: Planet Fitness “I am so excited to be a part of Live Better Fit,” said Debbie. “I’ve struggled with weight most of my life, but I’m ready to begin a new life that has consistent fitness and nutrition habits. “My goal is to lose 50 pounds, and I’ll reward myself with a shop- ping trip!” she said. Adam Merritt (left) and Hal Jackson (right)