Archbold Medical Center| Archives Magazine | Summer 2018
6 ARCHBOLD MEDICAL CENTER THE SKINNY ATARCHBOLD NEW BARIATRIC AND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MIGHT BE YOUR SOLUTION CRASH DIETS. Sensible diets. Exercise too. You’ve tried to lose weight—repeatedly—and still you weigh far too much. Rather than dropping pounds, you might even be adding them. And so you may wonder: Is the next step bariatric (weight-loss) surgery? Quite possibly. Bariatric surgery can result in significant weight loss and a dramatic improvement in health. Still, it’s major surgery, and the decision to proceed is a serious one. This spring, Archbold launched a new Bariatric and Weight Management Program that offers a comprehensive range of individu- alized weight-loss services led by a dedicated team of experts. Archbold’s unique program, which offers nonsurgical and surgi- cal options for effective long-term weight-loss results, is designed to help patients achieve their weight-loss goals, improve their overall health and enhance their quality of life. What makes Archbold’s program unique? Archbold’s Bariatric and Weight Management Program is the only one of its kind in the region to have fellowship-trained bariatric surgeons performing surgery at Archbold. Fellowship-trained bariatric surgeon Katie Hanisee, MD, serves as the medi- cal director for the Thomasville-based program. She oversees the clinical aspects of the program in addition to performing surgery. Another fellowship-trained bariatric surgeon, Joey Jarrard, MD, joined the program in September. “Our patients are absolutely our top priority,” said Dr. Hanisee. “Our goal is to increase overall quality of life for our patients. By improving or resolving obesity-related conditions—like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pain and more—you can become happier, more active and healthier overall.”
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