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when you have something like this.”

“Even though she couldn’t really

respond, we knew how critical it was for

Haley to know that her children were there

and were OK,” said Shelli Roberts, RN, one

of the nurses who cared for Haley. “We also

knew how important it was for Haley to

bond with her newborn.”

According to Shelli, the nurses made

sure Haley had skin-to-skin contact with

newborn Kate. They also played record-

ings of Gracie’s voice.

“Even though I don’t remember their

visits, I was also told my vital signs would

improve when I’d feel the touch of Kate and

hear Gracie’s voice,” said Haley. “I’m so grate-

ful for the amazing nurses that went above

and beyond to ensure my children were

close to me. They knew my girls needed

me, just as much as I needed them.”

Watching and waiting

Every part of Haley’s treatment was care-

fully thought out.

“We watched her very closely and

ultimately made the difficult decision not

to operate,” Dr. Kadis said. “That entailed

watching closely and scanning very

frequently and waiting to see how things

would progress.

“In Haley’s case, things gradually

improved, so we never actually had to

operate. But we did lend a lot of emo-

tional support to her family…they were a

courageous bunch.”

Studies show that loved ones who feel

supported are better able to help their

patients. And while a strong support

system is important for all patients, that’s

especially true for stroke patients.

“My family felt very loved and very much

supported by all Archbold staff members,”

Haley said. “From the physicians and

nurses, to the housekeeping staff, and

even the Archbold CEO, the entire staff

made sure my family’s every want and

need was taken care of. They were well

informed about my care and lacked for

nothing while I was a patient at Archbold.”

The road to recovery

After a month, Haley made enough

progress to leave Archbold. Now, four

years later, she’s still making headway.

“I am relearning many of the skills

I learned as a child, such as reading,”

Haley said. “My family continues to see

improvements daily.”

Haley is busy with physical therapy and

caring for her family. And yet she recently

took time to visit Archbold and thank Dr.

Kadis and the care team who helped her

through that first difficult month.

“It’s humbling to hear, ‘Thank you for

saving my life,’” Shelli said. “It was so

overwhelming to reunite with Haley and

her family and to know that we played

such a big part in her recovery.”

“When I met Shelli and all the nurses

who took care of me, they just wrapped

their arms around me and we all cried,”

Haley said. “I love Dr. Kadis and the ICU

staff. It felt good to express my grati-

tude to them. My family’s story is just

one example of the kind of compassion

Archbold shows their patients and their

families, and we are forever grateful for

how we were treated and everything

they did for us.”

From left, Janet Hammock, Haley’s mother-in-law; Carolyn Croft, Haley’s mother; Sara

Searcy, RN; Amy Brogan, RN; Gerald Kadis, MD; Haley Hammock; Shelli Roberts, RN;

Megan Walker, RN; Michelle Collins, Director of Archbold Volunteer Services.